Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Shooting for Town and Country Magazine

This was such an exciting opportunity to shoot for the super upscale Town and Country.

New York City, big client, huge readership and a story that is truly interesting- The Knickerboker Greys. This is one the biggest magazine assignments that I have ever taken on. I wanted everything to be perfect. But as they say, "never perform with children or animals..." Kidding, the kids were great, but your best plans have to be- adjusted.

I had two assistants helping me to light The Armory which is a vaunted and old school New York land mark. It takes up a whole city block. Timothy Devine and Linda Farwell were great to help me keep the stress down and think of new ways to see the scene. They are more than assistants!

Kristina Stewart, the writer on the piece, was terrific, interviewing the kids and keeping track of the historical significance and the longer term arch of the story.

I thought it came together quite nicely. Check out the article in this December's issue of Town and Country!