Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sailing with Peter

I took to the sea with my Brother Peter aboard his 40' Sloop, Lion. We sailed from Fishers Island to Newport. Getting to Newport is a boat lovers dream. 12 Ms abound and there was a Trans-Atlantic race just beginning. We saw these Water World-esque war ships getting ready to fly. These kevlar knives go zoom.

I tried to imagine how I would fare on a two two week journey into the heart of the beast. My only reference point is a 9 day meditation retreat I did with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach. Somwhere around day three I got sick of my own mind, but day four offered the sublime relief of just being present to what is. Just present. Sailing has a silmilar austere discipline. Wind, water and lines, thirst and elimination. My head got clear out there without all the cell phone chatter and cars.

Then there is coming home to the warmth and busy-ness of home. Went to a carnival and fireworks with my wife and two beautiful kids. Although the hyper adrenal sugar infused overload was the opposite of sailing, I had fun and just let it roll. The mild vestibular dizziness of being on a boat is like the lingering scent of a lover. A reminder deep down in there. I was out there in the clean ion rich air.